
A comprehensive, non-judgemental source of information relating to the complex issues associated with the use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS)


IPEDsAbout us

Welcome to ASUK

Anabolic androgenic steroids

Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and associated drug use is now recognised as an emerging global public health issue. Once restricted to competitive bodybuilders and the elite sporting arena AAS has now become commonplace within an increasingly image conscious general population. (ASUK) brings together academics, practitioners and those who use, are contemplating the use or who are affected by someone else’s use of AAS. By disseminating research evidence from a network of AAS researchers in the United Kingdom as well as drawing upon the work of other leading academics across the globe we aim to provide a comprehensive, non-judgemental source of information relating to the complex issues associated with the use of AAS.

With support from Manchester Metropolitan University, Exchange Supplies, Frontier Medical Group and Orion Medical Supplies, ASUK provides a platform for academics and practitioners to share experiences and ideas, promote events and exchange information on available services between themselves and with the AAS using communities.

Professor Jim McVeigh
Substance Use & Associated Behaviours
Manchester Metropolitan University

Anabolic steroids and associated drugs, often referred to Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs (IPEDs) are pharmaceuticals that are consumed with the intention of improving physical performance or changing appearance. These substances are, most commonly, taken to increase size, strength or lean muscle mass. Here, we provide an introduction to a range of relevant issues including data on the specific drugs of use, information who uses them, the potential harms of use and the harm reduction response.  READ MORE


Conference 2020

The public health implications of anabolic androgenic steroid use

Online conference
10th November 2020

This online international conference will contribute to our understanding of this complex phenomenon bringing together leading academics from the United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Jordan, USA, Australia…

2020 Conference Presentations

ASUK Network are grateful to all the conference supporters for their help in producing and promoting the conference, with special thanks to, Global Public Health Network, Fluke Design & Linnell Communications.

The conference would not have been possible without the sponsorship and support of:

Manchester Metropolitan University
Orion Medical Supplies Limited
Exchange Supplies - Making Injecting Safer

Introduction to the 2020 ASUK online conference

Jim McVeigh

Guest Speakers

Harrison Pope

Public health Impact of AAS

Harrison Pope
Harvard University, USA

Viv Hope

IPEDs injecting and harm

Viv Hope

Ingrid Havnes

"Mind the gap"

Ingrid Havnes
University of Oslo, Norway

Geoff Bates

Treatment for anabolic steroid users

Geoff Bates
University of Bath, UK